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Updated: May 6, 2020

As well known for its hospitality and great civilization, Malaysian also must confess that we are not perfect and sometime we are still learning especially when it come to others' culture from the other part of the world. Malaysian love Japanese food as it is VERY popular in Malaysia, but the table manners and behavior of some Malaysians eating Japanese food are downright rude and will get stared at in Japan. Some snobbish Malaysian eater are just plain ignorant of dining etiquette.

Malaysians horror habits:

  • Using wet towels not only for hands but wipe face and neck even. Then do not fold it, the soiled side on the inside.

  • They don't wait for everyone's order to arrive before eating. It's polite to only start your meal once everyone's food has arrived at the table.

  • They rub chopsticks together to remove splinters .. yikes!! So rude. Like telling the owner your chopsticks are cheap quality.

  • They pass the food around using chopsticks to another person's. Halo it's not a funeral parlor where passing cremated bones from one pair of chopsticks to another is a ritual - morbid.

  • Major faux pas: chopsticks sticking out vertically from the bowl of rice - like an offering to the demised.

  • They mix wasabi with soy sauce for sushi, wtf it's going to alter the taste - an insult to the chef.

  • They dip rice in soy sauce instead of turning it upside down so that only the fish touches the soy sauce, not the rice - another brick thrown at the chef who got the rice perfect.

They eat sushi taking more than one bite; just pop the whole thing in the mouth why donyou- it has been painstakingly prepared as one perfect piece.

  • They eat sushi taking more than one bite; just pop the whole thing in the mouth why dont you- see that it has been painstakingly prepared as one perfect piece.

  • They leave rice unfinished. Sacrilege. Finish every grain of rice, it's the right thing to do, don't waste food.

p/s- The best reference to Japan Table Manners:

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